Prescot Town Councillors

The Township of Prescot is split into two political wards Prescot South and Prescot North represented by twelve Councillors.

The Town Council holds ‘All Out’ Elections every fours years. In the event of a vacancy arising the Town Council will advertise that Vacancy publicly so that a Bi Election may be called. In the event a Bi Election is not called the Council may  co-opt an individual to serve as Councillor until the next ‘All Out’ election.

At present ten of Prescot Town Council’s Councillors were elected at the May 2023 elections and one was elected at the bi-election held on 21st March 2024. There is currently one vacancy for a Town Councillor in the Prescot North Ward.

Responsibilities of a Councillor, a Town Councillor must:-

  • attend meetings when summoned to do so; the notice to attend a council meeting is, in law, a summons, because there is a duty to attend
  • consider, in advance of the meeting, the agenda and any related documents which were sent to them with the summons
  • take part in meetings and consider all the relevant facts and issues on matters which require a decision including the views of others expressed at the meeting
  • take part in voting and respect decisions made by the majority of those present and voting
  • ensure, with other councillors, that the council is properly managed
  • represent the whole electorate, and not just those who voted for them

How do you become a Councillor ?

In order to stand for election you must satisfy the following criteria

  • British or a citizen of the Commonwealth or European Union
  • At least 18 years old
  • Registered to vote in the area or have lived, worked or owned property there for at least 12 months before an election
You can’t be a councillor if you:
  • Work for the council you want to be a councillor for, or for another local authority in a political restricted post
  • Are the subject of a bankruptcy restrictions order or interim order
  • Have been sentenced to prison for three months or more (including suspended sentences) during the 5 years before election day
  • Have been convicted of a corrupt or illegal practice by an election court
If you are in any doubt about whether you are eligible to stand as a councillor, you should contact the electoral services department at your local council for advice.

For more information visit

Register of interests

As part of the Code of Conduct, all elected and co-opted members must act in conformity with the Seven Principles of Public Life. One of these is the principle of honesty – that ‘holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest’.

Knowsley Council’s Monitoring Officer is responsible for maintaining the register of members’ interests and for making the register available for inspection in the local area and published on the council’s website. Links to the register of interest for each councillor are provided below.


Prescot South Ward

Councillor Joanne Burke

Green Party


Contact Number: 07384 900812


Committee Memberships: Events Committee and Finance, Policy and Human Resources

Register of Interests TBC



Councillor Pat Cook

Green Party


Contact Number: 0151 426 3933

Committee Memberships: Events Committee

Register of Interests TBC




Councillor Tracey Murray

Green Party


Contact Number: 07926 722498

Committee Memberships: Events Committee & Finance Policy and Human Resources Committee 

Register of Interests TBC



Councillor Thomas Smith

Green Party


Contact Number: 0151 426 3933

Committee Memberships: Events Committee & Finance Policy and Human Resources Committee

Register of Interests TBC



Councillor Graham Wickens

Green Party


Contact Number: 07575 011049

Committee Memberships: Finance, Policy and Human Resources

Register of Interests TBC


Prescot North Ward


Councillor Mark Burke

Liberal Democrats


Contact Number: 0151 426 3933

Committee Memberships:  Events Committee and Finance, Policy and Human Resources

Register of Interests TBC




Councillor Ian Smith

Liberal Democrats


Contact Number: 0151 289 8800 / 07557 849399

Committee Memberships: Finance, Policy and Human Resources

Register of Interests TBC




Councillor Frances Wynn

Liberal Democrats


Contact Number: 0151 426 3933

Committee Memberships: N/A

Register of Interests TBC




Councillor Marjorie Sommerfield

Liberal Democrats


Contact Number: 0151 426 3933

Committee Memberships: Events Committee & Finance Policy and Human Resources Committee 

Register of Interests TBC




Councillor Paul Goodwin

Liberal Democrats


Contact Number: 07519053696

Committee Memberships: Events Committee & Finance Policy and Human Resources Committee 

Register of Interests TBC




Councillor Paul Shaw

Green Party


Contact Number: 0151 426 3933

Committee Memberships: Finance Policy and Human Resources Committee

Register of Interests TBC




Councillor Jayne Edgar

Labour Party


Contact Number: 0151 426 3933

Committee Memberships: Events Committee

Register of Interests TBC

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